Requirejs Mocha Hack

14 May 2013

RequireJS is great on the client side. It handles the asynchronous nature of the web fairly well, allowing you to have control over the order in which your javascript files are loaded. Tools like require.js make it possible to build complicated client side apps in a sane manor.

Node is great for many reasons, but one that almost always gets mentioned is that it lets you share code between your server and client side. The re-use of code is a pretty tantalizing lure, but unfortunately, the promise of it isn’t as straight forward as it seems. Node’s built in require system (at least the way its implemented out of the box) isn’t particularly compatible with the web.

    //node, built-in
    var Widget = require('./widget');

    var widget = new Widget();

That format inherently blocks. The script simply can’t keep going with other stuff until Widget gets declared. If widget.js is off on a server somewhere, that’s a delay. If you’re loading a bunch of files, it can quickly add up to an unacceptably long delay.

RequireJS gets around this by wrapping all its loading inside of callbacks. In the example below, this code relies on the sound.js file getting loaded. Because the code that relies on sound.js is inside of a callback, requirejs can busy itself loading other things before running it.

    //require.js, client side
    define(['sound'], function(Sound) {
      var public = {}
        , now = function() { return Sound.getCtx().currentTime; }


      return public;

While node’s built in module system is incompatible with the web, there’s nothing incompatible about RequireJS’s system and node’s. The two can exist fairly nicely side by side. In fact, they kind of need to, as one of the first steps that’s necessary to load files through RequireJS is to load RequireJS through node’s built in module system.

    //require.js, server side
    var requirejs = require('requirejs');

      function(DeletionArray) {

I should note, that if you are compiling all of your client side code into one big javascript file, these concerns about the blocking nature of node’s require syntax basically go away. And there is a tool to let you do just that. But if you don’t want your development process to involve a compilation step, and you also want to reuse code without having different versions for client and server side, you need to go the requirejs route.

But this decision will lead to some annoyances. The biggest of which (for me) was that the switch completely broke my server-side Mocha tests. I would run them, and mocha would fail to find any tests to run. The reason for this is that when mocha first scans through the files, none of the tests declared within the requirejs callback have actually been added to mocha’s queue of tests yet. That callback won’t get called until deletion-array.js gets loaded, which in turn won’t happen until after mocha has scanned through the test file and seen that it has no tests left to run and should terminate.

      function(DeletionArray) {

      describe('DeletionArray', function() {
        it('allow logarithmic speed deletions from arbitrary points in the array', function() {

There is a pretty simple, if totally hacky way, to get around this though. You just have to make sure that there are tests running for long enough for requirejs’s callback to get called. How long is that? In my fiddling, this test was sufficient:

    describe('Some hacky nonsense', function() {
      it('enables the tests to run with requirejs', function(done) {
        setTimeout(done, 10);

In fact, setting the timeout to 0 milliseconds, or even removing it entirely, was sufficient to get the tests to run. But out of an abundance of caution, I’m leaving the 10 millisecond delay in my code. Since I don’t want this hack to dirty my other tests, I’ve moved this code to its own file, clearly labeling it as a hack. Hopefully, by the time you read this, this unfortunate hack will be unnecessary. Until that time, I hope it helps.

On The Reflexivity Of Calling Things Stupid

which may also apply to this post

06 May 2013

Understanding that something is wrong is nowhere near as useful as understanding why it is wrong. Knowing that your program crashes might be a necessary step to tracking down the bug that is causing the crash, but it definitely isn’t a sufficient one.

Calling something stupid is like saying it’s wrong, but with an added emotional valence. Not only is it wrong, it’s so wrong that anyone who thought it was right is kind of worthless. Calling something stupid isn’t usually so extreme, of course, but it’s usually at least pointed in that direction. It’s a dismissal that is primarily there to make the person saying it feel superior with the side effect of cutting off thought. It’s wrong, but it isn’t worth deeply understanding why. Why waste your time pondering a thought that only stupid people would think, after all?

If anyone should be viscerally aware just how wrong we often are, it is programmers. Every time we think our program will run without errors but it crashes, every time we think it should compile but it doesn’t, every time we think we’ll get back the right answer, but it’s wrong, there is further, undeniable evidence that we simply weren’t as right as we thought we were.

In order to fix our errors, we need to not only understand that they are there, but how to fix them. While we may occasionally get frustrated with our machines, we can’t afford to think of them as stupid entities causing us problems, or we’ll never actually fix the things that are actually our fault.

I’ve found, more and more, that when something is wrong, it is useful to explain why you think it is wrong. Over the course of explaining, sometimes you confirm that it was in fact wrong. Sometimes you realize it was actually correct. Sometimes you realize that there was a good reason for people to think it, even if it wasn’t quite right.

I can’t really think of a situation where it is more useful to think of an idea as stupid rather than wrong for specific reasons. I would go so far as to say that calling things stupid out of habit is not very bright, but who knows, maybe that’s just me being a little bit stupid.

Ruby As Javascript

Objects vs. Closures

06 March 2013

Ancient(-ish) wisdom on closures and objects

The venerable master Qc Na was walking with his student, Anton. Hoping to prompt the master into a discussion, Anton said “Master, I have heard that objects are a very good thing – is this true?” Qc Na looked pityingly at his student and replied, “Foolish pupil – objects are merely a poor man’s closures.”

Chastised, Anton took his leave from his master and returned to his cell, intent on studying closures. He carefully read the entire “Lambda: The Ultimate…” series of papers and its cousins, and implemented a small Scheme interpreter with a closure-based object system. He learned much, and looked forward to informing his master of his progress.

On his next walk with Qc Na, Anton attempted to impress his master by saying “Master, I have diligently studied the matter, and now understand that objects are truly a poor man’s closures.” Qc Na responded by hitting Anton with his stick, saying “When will you learn? Closures are a poor man’s object.” At that moment, Anton became enlightened.

— Anton van Straaten

Closures and Objects as State

To get too literal with these Zen sort of tales and koans is to kind of miss the point. They are written the way they are because the meaning they attempt to convey doesn’t lend itself to a more straightforward discussion. But one bit of knowledge that’s wrapped up in the above koan is that both closures and objects can be used for similar purposes, and for today, focus on the fact that they can both be used to keep track of state. In terms of their state tracking abilities, it’s incredibly difficult to say which is better, because it depends on what you are trying to do. To assert that one is strictly better than the other is to invite an ancient Zen master to smack you with a stick.

Idiomatic ruby code almost always tracks state using its object system. Idiomatic Javascript is a little more flexible. Sometimes you will choose to track state in objects, sometimes closures, and sometimes a combination the two.

For example, the following simple Javascript counter tracks state using a closure:

    counter = (function() {
      var public = {}
        , count  = 0;

      public.reset = function() {
        count = 0;

      public.getCount = function() {
        return count;
      }; = function() {
        count += 1;

      return public;

If you haven’t seen the above pattern before, it’s pretty neat. If you have, you might want to skip to the next section.

In jargon-y terms, the code uses of a self-executing anonymous function to return an object holding functions that all have access to that anonymous function’s closure. But jargon is only useful if you already know it, so let’s clear some of that up. If you ignore the stuff inside of the function’s brackets the code basically looks like this:

    counter = (function() { ... })();

So, inside the first set of parentheses, a function is defined. The second set of parenthesis just call that function, much like you call any function, e.g.


The function inside the first set of parentheses is called an anonymous function because it never actually has a name, and it’s never assigned to a variable. Being nameless, once we’re done executing the code, we’ll have no way of referencing that function again in order to call it. You might think that counter would end up equalling the anonymous function itself, but it doesn’t, because we immediately execute the function. Instead counter ends up referencing whatever that function returns:

    counter = (function() {
      var public = {}


      return public;

And public itself is just an object, which has had several functions assigned to its keys, such as: = function() {
        count += 1;

Note that the function doesn’t say “var count” anywhere in it. Because count hasn’t been defined within the function, whenever you reference it, Javascript will look for it in progressively higher scopes. In this case, it finds it almost immediately, in the anonymous function’s scope:

    counter = (function() {
      var public = {}
        , count  = 0;

So whenever you call that inc function, it will look up count, find it in the anonymous function’s scope, and then add one to it. Whenever you call getCount, it will return the count that exists in that anonymous function’s scope. Whenever you call reset, it will reset that anonymous function’s count to 0.

Immediately after defining counter, you can run the following code, and that setup ends up working remarkably similarly to a more object oriented implementation.

    console.log("The count is: "  + counter.getCount());
    //outputs "The count is: 0";;

    console.log("The count went up to: "  + counter.getCount());
    //outputs "The count went up to: 2"

Closures and Privacy

One of the primary advantages of defining things in this closure oriented fashion is that once the closure has been defined, that’s it. Unless you deliberately expose a way of accessing those variables, none exists. You might try and alter counter, but it doesn’t do you any good.

    counter.count = 3.14159;

    console.log("The count is still: "  + counter.getCount());
    //outputs "The count is still: 2"

The variable counter, after all, isn’t actually the closure. It’s just an object that contains some functions that have access to the closure. In Javascript it’s relatively easy to create true private variables.

Ruby Objects and Privacy, or the lack thereof

Consider an idiomatic Ruby implementation of that same Javascript code:

    class Counter
      attr_reader :count

      def initialize

      def inc
        @count += 1

      def reset!
        @count = 0

It works just like you’d expect:

    c =

    puts "The count is: #{ c.count }"
    # outputs "The count is: 0

    puts "The count went up to: #{ c.count }"
    # outputs "The count went up to: 2

      c.count = 3.14159
    rescue NoMethodError => e
      puts "The counter doesn't have that method"
    # outputs "The counter doesn't have that method"
    # because we only defined an attr_reader on @count, not an attr_writer

    puts "The count is still: #{ c.count }"
    # outputs: "The count is still: 0"

This seems like what we want. Ruby looks like it’s protecting your objects’ internal state from other code. But Ruby is also an incredibly dynamic language which has things like the instance_variable_set method, which means your objects don’t really have any protection at all.

    c.instance_variable_set(:@count, 3.14159)

    puts "The count is now: #{ c.count }"
    # outputs "The count is now: 3.14159"

Between instance_variable_set and reopening classes, it’s basically impossible to hide your objects’ instance variables in Ruby.

Ruby as Javascript

Javascript is able to hide its internal state because of closures and anonymous functions. While Ruby’s objects have no real privacy, Ruby does have closures and anonymous functions. It’s actually quite possible to do a (nearly) direct translation of the javascript code in Ruby, bypassing Ruby’s class / object system, and instead relying on closures.

    counter = (-> do
      pub = {}
      count = 0

      pub[:reset]     = -> { count = 0 }
      pub[:inc]       = -> { count += 1 }
      pub[:get_count] = -> { count }


If you haven’t seen Ruby’s “stabby” lambda syntax before, all those “->” are just syntactic sugar for writing “lambda”. We do have to name our hash “pub” instead of “public”, because public is a reserved keyword in Ruby. But aside from that one change, the code is basically the same, just with different syntax. We follow the same process of creating an anonymous function, calling it, and storing the result in “counter”

    counter = (-> do

And from that anonymous function we return a hash that contains a bunch of functions defined for accessing the anonymous function’s closure.

It works just like you’d expect:

    puts "The count is: #{ counter[:get_count].call }"
    # outputs "The count is 0"


    puts "The count went up to: #{ counter[:get_count].call }"
    # outputs "The count went up to: 2"

And you are protected from any instance_variable_set shenanigans.

    # first we'll try setting "count"
      counter.instance_variable_set(:count, 3.14159)
    rescue NameError => e
      puts "Instance variables have to start with the '@' symbol"
    # outputs "Instance variables have to start with the '@' symbol"

    # Then we'll try setting "@count", which makes even less sense
    counter.instance_variable_set(:@count, 3.14159)

    puts "The count is still: #{ counter[:get_count].call }"
    # outputs "The count is still: 2"

    # We can only access count through the methods we defined

    puts "The count is now: #{ counter[:get_count].call }"
    # outputs "The count is now: 0"

So it appears that we’ve solved the privacy issue by bypassing Ruby’s object system and making use of closures. In almost any language with both objects and closures, this would be an excellent example of how they can both be used for similar purposes, and how each one has its place…

But no, wait, this is Ruby

So even though we defined all of those functions in pub as lambdas, lambdas are actually just special cases of the Proc class.

    puts "It is a lambda" if counts[:inc].lambda?
    # outputs "It is a lambda"

    puts "But it is also Proc" if counter[:inc].class == Proc
    # outputs "But it is also Proc"

    puts "And it therefore has a binding!" if counter[:inc].binding
    # outputs "And it therefore has a binding!"

If you’ve never had to deal with bindings before, they can be thought of as the environment contained by a closure. And because we have direct access to the environment that was supposed to be hidden from us, we also have access to the variables contained within.

    binding_count = eval("count", counter[:inc].binding)
    puts "Accessing the count through the binding: #{ binding_count }"
    # outputs  "Accessing the count through the binding: 0"

We can not only read variables within the binding, we can also change them.

    eval("count = 3.14159", counter[:inc].binding)
    puts "The count is now: #{ counter[:get_count].call }"
    # outputs "The count is now: 3.14159"

So while closures totally do have their uses in Ruby, privacy is not one.


If you are interested in playing around with the example code in this blog post, you can find it here.